La sola cosa necessaria affinche' il male trionfi e' che gli uomini buoni non facciano nullaEdmund Burke

giovedì 2 agosto 2012

HAARP Clouds and Chemtrails Gallery by Scott Stevens

Scott Stevens: http://WEATHERWARS.INFO --- CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE for SECRET CONTRAIL AEROSOL GEOENGINEERING: In 2010 Aerospace Engineers submitted conclusive evidence for Covert Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, (aka "Chemtrails") in the landmark 336 page report: "CASE ORANGE". The report was commissioned by THE BELFORT GROUP (UK), who held a "CHEMTRAILS SYMPOSIUM" where the conclusions were presented by Aerospace Engineer, Dr. Coen Vermeeren. -- ALSO: The term "chemtrails" is in the text of 2001 legislation (HR-2977) defined as an "exotic weapon".
HR-2977 legislation "Chemtrails":
Documentary: What In The World Are They Spraying?:
Documentary: Why In The World Are They Spraying? (Trailer)

fonte: chemtrailsplanet

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